Talk to one of our team about your next event or special occasion

Unfortunately Kerr & Ladbrook’s phone line is out of action, please direct any queries to [email protected]
We are committed to ensure your privacy is maintained, effectively managed, and protected. In that regard, we partner with professional business and services that assist us in the security over our business and client information.
Our Partners are under strict instruction not to share, or divulge, any confidential information without our expressed authorisation or written consent. In terms of confidence, our partners are reputable and have put in place robust systems and measures to ensure your privacy is safeguarded.
Users have the option to restrict the collection or use of their personal details in the following ways:
• When asked to complete a form or like information sent, please carefully read all sections as
pertaining to your personal details.
• Carefully consider your participation, either direct or indirect, in any marketing activities or promotions. Any personal information used for marketing purposes that is not to your liking, can be made known at any time by contacting us directly in writing either via email, or text, or letter.
• We will not sell or lease out any users business or personal details. Should this option be explored, we will only do so with your authorised written consent.
• We may be legally obligated to release your business or personal details as directed by Law.
• If you believe that any information held by ‘Us’ about you is incorrect or incomplete, then contact us soon as is practical.
Information or details gathered may be accessed and used in the facilitation of enquiries, event bookings, online orders, deliveries, business proposal, or marketing and promotional activities.
Furthermore, information or details may be analysed or assessed or amended to improve the performance and retention of privacy or improved systems.
Performance improvements may include the following:
• Services
• Record Keeping
• Products and Deliveries
• Targeted Promotions and Offers
• Market Research
Your endorsement to these herein terms and conditions, or clients or Users registration, or account setup, is an a agreement to be contacted by us to receive information, or be sent correspondence as pertaining to an official enquiry, or event booking, or order, or business proposal, or any marketing promotional activities or similar, either for your awareness, or consideration, or as may be beneficial to both parties.